PANAMutyper¢â R EGFR

Lung cancer is a metastatic cancer which the cancer cells are developed in the bronchial tubes or alveoli and grow along the blood vessel or lymphatic vessel. There are two types of lung cancer based on the sizes and shape of the cancer cell; non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) takes 75% and small cell lung cancer takes 25%. Usually, it is hard to find lung cancer in the early stage and is diagnosed as lung cancer when it is already progressed. So the prognosis tends to be bad. It is known that the patients with EGFR mutation show very high drug responses against EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor (TKI) such as Gefitinib (Iressa, AstraZenca) and Erlotinib (Tarceba, Roche). We expect that genotyping EGFR genes of the lung cancer patients enables predicting drug response before treatment and this will lead effective lung cancer treatment.

PANAMutyper¢â R EGFR

Product Name Cat No. Size
PANAMutyper¢â R EGFR (47 Mutations) PNAR-3001 24 tests

EGFR Mutation Details

No. Reagent Exon Amino Acid Change Nucleotide change Cosmic No.
1 G719 E18 G719A c.2156G>C 6239
2 G719S c.2155G>A 6252
3 G719C c.2155G>T 6253
4 E19del A 19 p.E746_A750del c.2235_2249 del 15 6223
5 p.E746_A750del c.2236_2250 del 15 6225
6 p.E746_T751>IP c.2235_2251>AATTC 13552
7 p.K745_E749del c.2233_2247 del 15 26038
8 p.E746_T751>I c.2235_2252 AAT (complex) 13551
9 p.E746_A750del c.2235_2248>AATTC 13550
10 p.L747_S752>Q c.2239_2256>CAA 12403
11 p.S752_I759del c.2253_2276 del 24 12416
12 p.E746_T751>VA c.2237_2253>TTGCT ¡¡12422
13 p.E746_T751>A c.2237_2251 del 15 12678
14 p.L747_T751del c.2239_2253 del 15 6254
15 p. L747_T751del c.2238_2252 del 15 23571
16 p.L747_T751>Q c.2238_2252>GCA(complex) 12419
17 E19del B 19 p.L747_T751del c.2240_2254 del 15 12369
18 p.L747_T751del c.2239_2253 del 15 6254
19 p.E746_T751>V c.2237_2252>T 12386
20 p.E746_S752>I c.2235_2255>AAT 12385
21 p.L747_T751del c.2238_2252 del 15 23571
22 p.E746_T751del c.2236_2253 del 18 12728
23 p.E746_S752>A c.2237_2254 del 18 12367
24 p.E746_S752>V c.2237_2255>T (complex) 12384
25 p.E746_S752>D c.2238_2255 del 18 6220
26 p.L747_A750>P c.2238_2248>GC(complex) 12422
27 p.L747_E749del c.2239_2247 del 9 6218
28 p.L747_S752del c.2239_2256 del 18 6255
29 p.L747_ A750>P c.2239_2248 TTAAGAGAAG>C 12382
30 p.L747_P753>Q c.2239_2258>CA(complex) 12387
31 p.L747_T751>S c.2240_2251 del 12 6210
32 p.L747_P753>S c.2240_2257 del 18 12370
33 p.L747_T751>P c.2239_2251>C(complex) 12383
34 p.E746_P753>VS c.2237_2257>TCT 18427
35 S768I 20 S768I c.2303G>T 6241
36 T790M 20 T790M c.2369C>T 6240
37 E20ins A 20 p.D770_N771insG c.2310_2311 insGGT 12378
38 p.P772_H773insTTP c.2315_2316 insGACAACCCC  
39 p.P772_H773insGNP c.2315_2316 insGGGCAACCC  
40 p.V769_N770insASV c.2309_2310 AC>CCAGCGTGGAT 13558
41 E20ins B 20 p.V769_D770insASV c.2307_2308 ins GCCAGCGTG 12376
42 p.H773_V774insH c.2319_2320 insCAC 12377
43 p.H773L c.2318 A>T 13005
44 p.H773_V774insPH c.2319_2320 insCCCCAC 12380
45 p.V774_C775insHV c.2321_2322 insCCACGT 18432
46 p.D770_N771insSVD c.2311_2312 ins GCGTGGACA 13428
47 L858R 21 L858R c.2573T>G 6224
48 L858R c.2573_2574 TG>GT 12429
49 L861Q L861Q c.2582T>A 6213

(e.g) EGFR Exon21 L858R M & L858R (Genotyping &Sensitivity)


EGFR Exon21 L858R M cell line mix

  mutant type: L858R M clone

  wild type: A549

EGFR Exon21 L858R cell line mix

  mutant type:H1975

  wild type: A549

     A549 : L858R M clone ratio variation test ¢¡ 100%, 10%, 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, 0 % of L858R M clone

     A549 : H1975 ratio variation test ¢¡ 100%, 10%, 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, 0 % of H1975

(e.g) EGFR Exon20 T790M (Sensitivity)


EGFR Exon 20 T790M cell line mix

  mutant type:H1975

  wild type: A549

     A549 : H1975 ratio variation test ¢¡ 100%, 10%, 1%, 0.1%, 0.01%, 0 of H1975


  Ready-to-use kit with result available within 3 hours.

  PNA based mutant enrich genotyping kit- 20 mutations genotyping is possible.

  Compatible Real Time PCR - Bio-Rad CFX96

  Compatible Sample - Plasma/Serum, FFPE, Fresh tissue

  Test Several Biomarkers in One Plate with same PCR conditions - eg. EGFR+KRAS+NRAS in one plate

  Excellent Sensitivity - It can be detected less than 0.1% mutant.

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2 Minakshi ea al., DISSECT Method Using PNA-LNA Clamp Improves Detection of EGFR T790m Mutation. PLoS ONE. 8(6): e67782, 2013  
3 Kiyoaki et al., Detection of EGFR Mutations in Archived Cytologic Specimens of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Using High-Resolution Melting Analysis. Am J Clin Pathol. 126:608-615, 2006  
4 Hongdo et al., High resolution melting analysis for rapid and sensitive EGFR and KRAS mutation detection in formalin fixed paraffin embedded biopsies. BMC Cancer. 8(142):1-14, 2008